Source code for cronster.crawler

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import glob
import json
import time
import hashlib
from datetime import datetime

import yaml
import click
import redis
from tabulate import tabulate

[docs]class CronsterCrawler(object): """ Cronster crawler class. Crawl the file system recursively for ``crontab`` files, read the contents and store a list of :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterJob` in a Redis cache. """
[docs] def __init__(self, root, cache_host, cache_port, interval): """ Initialise a :class:`~cronster.crawler.CronsterCrawler`. :param root: File system root to crawl :type root: str :param cache_host: Host that serves the Redis cache :type cache_host: str :param cache_port: Port on the host that exposes the Redis service :type cache_port: int :param interval: Time between crawls in seconds :type interval: int """ if not os.path.exists(root): raise OSError('Root does not exist') self.root = root os.chdir(self.root) self.cache = redis.StrictRedis( host=cache_host, port=cache_port, db=0, decode_responses=True) self.interval = interval
[docs] def get_crontab_data(self, crontab): """ Given a ``crontab`` file path, load and return the :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterJob` contained in the file. :param crontab: Crontab file path :type crontab: str :return: Jobs :rtype: list Example output: .. code-block:: json [ { "name": "job_name", "cmd": "echo $PATH", "schedule": "* * * * *", "path": "/path/to/crontab/file", "hash": "dc8a776c99d9b8ab97550e87c857dc959a857c5b" } ] """ with open(crontab, 'r') as fp: crontab_data = yaml.load(fp) jobs = [] for job_name, job_data in crontab_data.items(): job = {} job_hash = hashlib.sha1() job['path'] = crontab job_hash.update(crontab.encode('ascii')) job['name'] = job_name job_hash.update(job_name.encode('ascii')) for key, value in job_data.items(): job[key] = value job_hash.update(value.encode('ascii')) job['hash'] = job_hash.hexdigest() jobs.append(job) return jobs
[docs] def crawl(self): """ Recursively crawl the file system from ``root`` in a given ``interval``. Add :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterJob` from ``crontab`` files to the cache as a JSON string. """ while True: self.crontabs = [] for crontab in glob.glob('**/crontab', recursive=True): self.crontabs += self.get_crontab_data(crontab) self.cache.set('cronster_crawler', json.dumps(self.crontabs)) self.display_crontabs() time.sleep(self.interval)
[docs] def display_crontabs(self): """ Print the current cache content to the console in tabulated form. """ crontab_data = json.loads(self.cache.get('cronster_crawler')) click.clear() metadata = [ [ 'Cronster Crawler' ], [ 'Crawler time: ','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ] ] print(tabulate(metadata)) print('\n') headers = ['Job Name', 'Hash', 'Schedule'] job_data = [] for job in sorted(crontab_data, key=lambda x: x['name']): job_data.append([job['name'], job['hash'], job['schedule']]) print(tabulate(job_data, headers=headers))
def __repr__(self): return '<CronsterCrawler>' def __str__(self): return str({ 'root': self.root, 'cache_host': self.cache_host, 'cache_port': self.cache_port, 'interval': self.interval })
@click.command() @click.option( '-r', '--root', default=os.getcwd(), help='Crawling root, default: the current working directory') @click.option( '-h', '--cache-host', default='localhost', help='Cache host, default: localhost') @click.option( '-p', '--cache-port', type=int, default=6379, help='Cache port, default: 6379 (Redis default)') @click.option( '-i', '--interval', type=int, default=2, help='Crawling interval, default: 2 seconds') def cli(root, cache_host, cache_port, interval): crawler = CronsterCrawler(root, cache_host, cache_port, interval) crawler.crawl() if __name__ == '__main__': cli()