Source code for cronster.scheduler

#!/usr/bin/env python
import cmd
import sys
import json
import time
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from threading import Thread

import click
import redis
from croniter import croniter
from tabulate import tabulate

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\___/_/   \____/_/ /_/____/\__/\___/_/


[docs]class CronsterScheduler(object): """ Cronster scheduler class. Load jobs from a Redis cache and run any number of :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterJob` based on their schedule. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cache_host, cache_port): """ Initialise a :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler`. :param cache_host: Host that serves the Redis cache :type cache_host: str :param cache_port: Port on the host that exposes the Redis service :type cache_port: int """ self.cache = redis.StrictRedis( host=cache_host, port=cache_port, db=0) = [] self.running = True
[docs] def run_pending(self): """Run all pending jobs.""" if not self.running: return for job in sorted([job for job in if job.is_due]):
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the job queue.""" = []
[docs] def update(self): """ Load the current cache contents, add jobs or change jobs' statuses. """ cached_jobs = json.loads(self.cache.get('cronster_crawler')) cached_hashes = [job['hash'] for job in cached_jobs] existing_hashes = [job.hash for job in] # Check existing jobs and update their statuses where appropriate for job in if job.hash in cached_hashes: if not job.status: job.status = True else: job.status = False # Check cached jobs and add them to the scheduler if they don't exist for job in cached_jobs: if job['hash'] in existing_hashes: continue CronsterJob( job['name'], job['cmd'], job['schedule'], job['path'], job['hash']))
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the scheduler. Jobs will be run according to their schedule. """ self.running = True
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop the scheduler. Jobs will not be running regardless of their schedule. """ self.running = False
[docs] def status(self): """ Return the current status of all scheduler jobs. :return: Job data :rtype: tuple """ metadata = [ [ 'Cronster Scheduler' ], [ 'Status: ', 'Running' if self.running else 'Stopped' ], [ 'Update time: ','%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ], [ 'Number of jobs: ', len( ], [ 'Number of active jobs: ', len([job for job in if job.status]) ] ] headers = ['Job Name', 'Schedule', 'Last run', 'Next run'] job_data = [] for job in sorted( job_data.append([, job.cron, job.last_run if job.last_run else 'N/A', job.next_run if job.status else 'N/A']) return metadata, headers, job_data
def __repr__(self): return '<CronsterScheduler>' def __str__(self): return str({ 'cache': self.cache, 'jobs':, 'running': self.running })
[docs]class CronsterJob(object): """ Cronster job class. Representation of an individual cronster job. """
[docs] def __init__(self, job_name, job_cmd, job_schedule, job_path, job_hash): """ Initialise a :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterJob`. :param job_name: Job name :type job_name: str :param job_cmd: Job command :type job_cmd: str :param job_schedule: Job schedule in cron format, e.g. ``*/5 * * * *`` :type job_schedule: str :param job_path: Job's crontab file path :type job_path: str :param job_hash: Job hash :type job_hash: str """ self._name = job_name self._cmd = job_cmd self._cron = job_schedule self._path = job_path self._hash = job_hash self._status = True self.last_run = None self.next_run = None self.schedule()
@property def name(self): """ :return: Job name :rtype: str """ return self._name @property def cmd(self): """ :return: Job command :rtype: str """ return self._cmd @property def cron(self): """ :return: Job schedule :rtype: str """ return self._cron @property def path(self): """ :return: Job crontab file path :rtype: str """ return self._path @property def hash(self): """ :return: Job hash :rtype: str """ return self._hash @property def status(self): """ :return: Job status :rtype: bool """ return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value): """ Given a new ``value``, set job status. Schedule the job if the job is now active. :param value: New status value :type value: bool """ self._status = value if value: self.schedule() @property def is_due(self): """ :return: Whether or not the job is due to be run. :rtype: bool """ return >= self.next_run
[docs] def schedule(self): """Calculate the next run time and schedule the job to run.""" base = cron_iter = croniter(self.cron, base) self.next_run = cron_iter.get_next(datetime)
[docs] def _execute_command(self): """Execute the job's command as a subprocess.""" subprocess.check_call(self.cmd, shell=True)
[docs] def run(self): """Run the job and schedule the next run.""" if not self.status: return self._execute_command() self.last_run ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self.schedule()
[docs] def __lt__(self, other): return self.next_run < other.next_run
def __repr__(self): return '<CronsterJob>' def __str__(self): return str({ 'name': self._name, 'cmd': self._cmd, 'schedule': self._cron, 'path': self._path, 'hash': self._hash, 'status': self._status, 'last_run': self.last_run, 'next_run': self.next_run })
[docs]class CronsterSchedulerPrompt(cmd.Cmd): """ Cronster command prompt class. Implement CLI commands to control the attached :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, scheduler): """ Initialise a :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterSchedulerPrompt`. :param scheduler: Scheduler to control :type scheduler: :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler` """ super(CronsterSchedulerPrompt, self).__init__() self.scheduler = scheduler click.clear() self.prompt = '> '
[docs] def do_status(self, args): """ Invoke :func:`cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler.status()` and print the status information to the console. """ metadata, headers, job_data = self.scheduler.status() click.clear() print(tabulate(metadata)) print('\n') print(tabulate(job_data, headers=headers)) print('\n')
[docs] def do_update(self, args): """ Invoke :func:`cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler.update()` to force a job update form the cache. """ self.scheduler.update()
[docs] def do_clear(self, args): """ Invoke :func:`cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler.clear()` to clear the job queue. """ self.scheduler.clear()
[docs] def do_start(self, args): """ Invoke :func:`cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler.start()` to start the scheduler. """ self.scheduler.start()
[docs] def do_stop(self, args): """ Invoke :func:`cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler.stop()` to stop the scheduler. """ self.scheduler.stop()
[docs] def do_exit(self, args): """ Close the scheduler. """ sys.exit(0)
def __repr__(self): return '<CronsterSchedulerPrompt>' def __str__(self): return str({ 'scheduler': self.scheduler })
[docs]def _update_loop(scheduler): """ Run an infinite update/run loop. :param scheduler: Scheduler to run :type scheduler: :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler` """ while True: scheduler.update() scheduler.run_pending() time.sleep(1)
[docs]def run_scheduler(cache_host, cache_port): """ Instantiate and run a :class:`~cronster.scheduler.CronsterScheduler`. Run its run/update loop in a separate thread. :param cache_host: Host that serves the Redis cache :type cache_host: str :param cache_port: Port on the host that exposes the Redis service :type cache_port: int """ scheduler = CronsterScheduler(cache_host, cache_port) update_loop_thread = Thread(target=_update_loop, args=(scheduler,)) update_loop_thread.daemon = True update_loop_thread.start() CronsterSchedulerPrompt(scheduler).cmdloop( '{logo}\nWelcome to Cronster...'.format(logo=CRONSTER))
@click.command() @click.option( '-h', '--cache-host', default='localhost', help='Cache host, default: localhost') @click.option( '-p', '--cache-port', type=int, default=6379, help='Cache port, default: 6379 (Redis default)') def cli(cache_host, cache_port): run_scheduler(cache_host, cache_port) if __name__ == '__main__': cli()